Mauve Rose & Hydrangea Radiance Bouquet


Nestled in a lovely embrace, the Mauve Rose & Hydrangea Radiance Bouquet speaks to a sophisticated palette with its enchanting blend of soft mauve roses and green-tinged hydrangea petals. This faux floral arrangement is designed to capture the heart of a blooming garden at its peak, offering a perpetual spring that neither fades nor wilts. It’s an ideal accent for adding a touch of floral elegance to any setting or serving as a beautiful, everlasting bouquet for momentous occasions, ensuring that its beauty endures as a memorable highlight.

• Dimensions: 9 Inch Height, 8 Inch Width (approximate)
• Lifelike and lasting, maintains natural beauty year after year
• Made with genuine Real Touch roses
• Made with genuine Real Touch hydrangea
• Velvet ribbon wrapped handle

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