Bonide Eight Yard & Garden Insect Spray 32oz Ready to Spray


Bonide's product controls over 100 insects/pests including species of ant, cricket, spider, flea, tick, mite, moth, caterpillar, beetle, gnat, fly, chinch bug, & more. This bug defense is great for use on listed lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, nuts, vegetables, outside surfaces of buildings, sidewalks, patios, porches, & more. This product is not designed for indoor use in your home. Bonide's fast-acting formula provides quick results and keeps working for up to 4 weeks. This product arrives in a container with an attached hose-end sprayer. Simply connect a garden hose to the sprayer and begin application.

  • Controls over 100 listed insects from your yard
  • Non-staining, water-based formula
  • Can be used directly on homes, patios, porches, & garages
  • Keeps working up to 4-weeks
  • Controls ants, aphids, beetles, ticks, thrips, and many more listed insects
  • Ready to spray quart(32oz) twist and shoot