June Gardening To-Do's
It’s officially summertime, and things are heating up in the garden! From pruning to planting, a few gardening tasks will set you up for success during some of the most prolific blooming periods of the year. So here you’ll find our timely garden tasks to do in June.
- Edge your garden beds for a clean and structured look.
- Apply a thin layer of mulch over the root zone of your perennials and shrubs to lock in soil moisture before the summer heat sets in. Keep a 4-6 inch circle of open soil next to the stems to avoid any stem rot diseases.
- As it is getting hotter and hotter in your garden, make sure you frequently water your lawns and plants, especially in containers, to keep them happy.
4. Decorate your patio with potted annuals, perennials, or shrubs!If there is no rain during the week, water 2 times that week to supplement the water that is missing. The rule of thumb is at 75F, landscape plants need 1" of rain per week. For every 10F over 75F, an additional 1/2" is needed. So at 85F, there should be 1.5" of rainfall. (Ideally, it would be ½ inch on Monday night, ½ inch on Wednesday night and ½ on Saturday night – all while we are sleeping. But, we all know it does not work that way, so make sure to own a good sprinkler!)
5. Continually deadhead spent flowers, especially on roses, for more blooms.
6. Insects are returning – good and bad! Inspect your plants for signs of pest damage and treat them accordingly. Using systemic products that last for 30 days in the leaves that are sprayed; are more Earth-Friendly because they are not sprayed as frequently killing beneficial insects. Spraying at dusk is the most Earth-friendly time to apply them; as the pollinators are back at their hives at dusk.
7. Plant perennial herbs (like rosemary, lavender, or sage) to use in summer cocktails and other recipes.
8. All zones can plant warm-season annuals – but remember to pinch them back for fuller growth and more flowers.
9. Japanese beetles will be returning in July. Use a systemic drench on roses and the other plants in the rose family that Japanese Beetles love to eat.
10. Keep on weeding! It feels like a never-ending task, but it keeps your garden tidy and healthy.
Jennifer Brennan
Jennifer Brennan is the Horticulture Information Specialist, advising and coaching gardeners at Chalet for over 30 years.