December Gardening To-Do List 2024
As winter sets in, it's time to prepare your garden for the colder months. Here's a comprehensive December gardening to-do list to ensure your plants and tools are ready for the winter chill.

1. Tool Maintenance:
Start by giving your garden tools some TLC. Clean them with a wire brush, and apply a light coat of oil to protect them from rust. Sharpen the edges of hoes and spades. Clean, readjust, and sharpen the blades of pruning tools. Don't forget to lightly sand handles and apply linseed oil or paint them in bright colors for easy spotting in the grass. Shop tools.
2. Lawn Equipment Care:
Prepare your lawn mower or tiller for winter by draining the fuel tank or using a stabilizer, if you can't drain the fuel. With the unusual cold weather, consider servicing your equipment now to avoid the busy spring repair season. Store the equipment without gas in the tank by running it dry.
3. Mulching and Protection:
Apply a fresh layer of mulch to planting beds to regulate soil temperature during unpredictable winter swings. Focus on perennials, shrubs and newly planted trees. For root crops like potatoes, parsnips, carrots, parsley, and leeks, add a thick layer of straw to protect them during winter, allowing for a staggered harvest. Shop Mulch.
4. Bird Feeder Maintenance:
Clean bird feeders with hot soapy water (avoid bleach) to avoid disease transmission. Provide high oil content seeds like Black Oily Sunflowers and Safflower Seed for high-energy nourishment to help birds during sudden freezes. Ensure access to unfrozen water by using a bird bath heater or refilling water regularly. Shop birding.
5. Ice Melt Alternatives:
Avoid rock salt (sodium chloride) for melting ice on sidewalks and driveways. Choose products made of calcium chloride or potassium chloride to minimize plant damage. For traction, use sand, kitty litter, or wood ashes sparingly. This will avoid introducing excess salts or pH imbalances.
6. Garden Planning:
Start reviewing and expanding your garden notes for next year. Use this time to plan for the upcoming growing season while the memories of the current one are fresh.
7. Tree and Shrub Protection:
Water fall-planted woody plants until the ground freezes. Cover the root zone with 3-4 inches of organic mulch to keep the soil frozen and prevent premature waking. Use tree guards, wraps, or hardware cloth to protect against animal damage (rabbits, deer). Prune weak branches to prevent snow damage. Be cautious with mulching around newly planted trees to prevent vole damage.
8. Sun and Wind Protection:
Guard against sun scald by wrapping trunks with light-colored material or using light colored trunk protectors which will reflect the sun's rays. Be mindful of winter burn on evergreens caused by winter sun and wind. Plant them in protected areas or create windbreaks.
9. Adjusted Garden Planning
Document how plants responded to the unusual weather this fall and plan adjustments for next season. Review seed catalogs and research winter sowing for perennials or hardy vegetables.
10. Post-Freeze inspections
After freezes, check for frost heaving in perennials or bulbs and gently press dislodged plants back into the soil. Secure loose mulch or garden fabric blown by sudden wind events.
By addressing these tasks with the weather in mind, your garden will not only survive the winter but will also thrive come springtime. Take advantage of the downtime to plan and prepare, ensuring success in the next growing season.

Jennifer Brennan
Jennifer Brennan is the Horticulture Information Specialist, advising and coaching gardeners at Chalet for over 30 years.