Tony's Top Picks for the Fall Plant Sale: Week 2
Barberry, Hydrangea and Weigela
Our Fall Plant Sale continues! Every week this season, we will have three types of plants on sale. This week, 9/17/20 – 9/23/20, we are serving up 30% savings on: Barberry (Berberis), Hydrangea and Weigela. Tony Fulmer, Chalet’s Chief Horticultural Officer, has selected 3 of his top picks from each genus to give you a bit of info to make your savings decisions easier.
Barberry Success Tip: Don’t let them dry out to the point of wilting their first year, although that shouldn’t be much of an issue since we’re in the cooler temps and more adequate precipitation of autumn. After establishment, they’re camels when it comes to watering. Yes, I know they have thorns, but those are a great deterrent to deer and children. Heavy gloves make pruning a non-lethal exercise. “Stickers” are far outweighed by the value of the color punch and hardiness they offer!
Hydrangea Success Tip: The “mopheads” or macrophylla types are best grown in half day sun/half day shade as those big, soft leaves and flowers dehydrate when we have prolonged periods of heat and drought. Don’t go to the extreme and put them in full shade, though. The “panicle” types (cone-shaped flowers) are the ones to choose for max sun and heat tolerance.
Weigela Success Tip: Generally, Weigela bloom most heavily in spring on previous year’s growth, so any pruning should be done immediately after spring bloom. Combine them with something evergreen either low at their ankles or behind them to soften their winter branching. At least a half day sun… or more. Hummingbirds love them, deer do not! That’s a good combination of attributes.
Shop the our Fall Plant Sale collection of Barberry (Berberis), Hydrangea and Weigela online or come in to shop the entire collection. Stay tuned for next week's Plant Sale Top Picks!
Tony Fulmer
Chalet's Chief Horticulturist Officer